Reporting For Pentesters
Notes for Reporting
Reporting For Pentesters
Source: Antisyphon Training
Bonus: Try reporting templates by Julio on Github.
I. Facts and Opinions in Analysis
What is a fact?
- Something that is objectively true
- Something that has actually happened
- Something with a verifiable existence
Which is better?
“The file shares had weak permissions”- “The file share at //fs01 allowed any authenticated user to read and write files to it.”
“The server was running an unsupported version of Nginx”- “The HTTP response headers indicated an unsupported version of Nginx.”
Facts first
- Make it obvious which systems or components were involved and when.
- Timestamp, hostname, source IP, target IP, current username, current privilege level, URL, parameter name, HTTP method etc.
- If an action was detected, blocked, or otherwise interfered with, say so.
- State it when your customer is doing something right. Help them keep doing it!
- Always validate the answers that you are uncertain of.
- Does “
” mean the user agent won’t cache? (spoiler: the response can be stored in cache!)
- Does “
Expert analysis second!
- “The “Domain Users” group should not have write permission on network file shares” (says who?)
- “Overly-permissive file share permissions can present an attack vector”
- “This old web server needs to be patched” (says who?)
- “Outdated systems pose greater risk because they are more likely to include publicly-known vulnerabilities that a low-skilled attacker can exploit.”
Beware of using passive recommendations!
It is recommended that SSLv3 be disabled.- PCI-DSS prohibits use of SSLv3.
It is recommended to upgrade to the current version- The vendor recommends upgrading to the current version.
It is recommended to disable SMBv1- Microsoft has recommended disabling SMBv1 since 2016.
II. Screenshot Rule
- Establish facts by including screenshots - “Pics or it didn’t happen”
- Use screenshots as if you are defending this evidence in court.
- Add plain boxes and arrows to direct attention.
- Keep text in screenshot about the same size as text around it.
III. Text Rule
- Add color or bold or highlighting - something to direct attention
- Use a different font than the report’s body text so it stands out
IV. Clarity
Audience = Your Readers
- Never lose sight of who your audience is.
- Technical users: These are the people who will be fixing the problems you report. Assume they want to learn a little about how you do your thing and instead let them know how to fix it.
- Management/business users: These people decide whether to hire you again. They need to know how the technical stuff affects the business and which managerial levers they can leverage on to help.
- Is it a technical fix like installing software updates regularly?
- Is it a policy or process fix like strengthening password requirements?
- Is it a system baseline fix like changing weak defaults?
- Is it a personnel fix like training in secure development or resisting phishing?
Strategic Guidance
- It is recommended [says who?] that the organization carefully manage the membership of the local administrators group and avoid adding domain users to this group unless absolutely necessary [what would be a good justification for doing it?]. Routine audits of local administrator groups should also be performed [who should do that? Passive voice can be a no no.].
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